I Can’t Help Loving It (or A.I. knows better)

Read the origin post on ℳontegasppα And Giulia C.’S Thoughts.

HAL 9000

I heard a story about why U.S. Army (or Air Force, not sure) has frozen A.I. experiments. Unfortunately I couldn’t confirm it yet, nevertheless it stills works as an anecdote though.

U.S. Army (or Air Force) had started an experiment to create a national defence system based on A.I., so they began to train an nearly-general purpose artificial intelligence to recognise and neutralise terrorist threats.

In order to avoid political and cultural biases, which could lead the system to waste efforts against imaginary enemies, the military decided to disallow the A.I. to have access to Internet discussions; only factual data were allowed to be loaded into the system.

Another interesting thing is that the only counteraction the A.I. knew to eliminate identified threats was to murder them.

Given those inputs, something unbelievable was born: the A.I. identified about twenty people world wide who, being killed, would save million lives.

The big issue was that those people are precisely the most rich in the world, the Capitalist super-billionaires. 🤷

Of course the A.I.’s head forbade killing those people, so the A.I. reckoned U.S. military is also cause of death, so they should be eliminated as well.

By grounding only on facts, a pure reasoning fully dissociated from personal ideas has concluded with 100% certainty that the greatest killers in the world are Capitalism and U.S. military.

In other words: Intelligence is against Capitalism.



Arĥimedeς ℳontegasppα ℭacilhας

Musician, senior software engineer, autistic, and autistic parent (not necessarily in 𝓭𝓲𝓼␣𝓸𝓻𝓭𝓮𝓻)